Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Three Billy Goats G...

...rough sketches of Ivan's healthy physique. Will be refined by the weekend to produce finished model sheets. Not too much substance to this entry; just keeping the ball rolling. Some assorted character sketches of Cupid, Santa and the Tooth Fairy thrown in also as my gift to you.

- Michael

Monday, April 27, 2009

I enjoy a nice pair of SLACK!

So here are those facial sketches I promised a while ago. Apologies for my laziness.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Backgrounds 1

Some backgrounds for your viewing pleasure. Easter bunnys house, with and without a layer of noise.

And a rough of the winter wonderland, getting a feel for some designs, colour, light, etc.
- Little Josh

Sunday, April 19, 2009

more stuff

Early Santa's. Felt he needed to be different to his usual red coat and hat.

Santa and some early elves.

I like the elf in the top right hand corner. I figure all the elves will just look exactly the same.

Facial conecpts of the Easter Bunny and Leprechauns. The Leprechauns took a lot longer to settle.

So I went with the last Leprechaun, that looks like either an Amish gentlemen or President Abraham Lincoln. Or both.

I like that Easter Bunny. He's so smart with his vest and tie.

Cupid, based on Micahel J Harris's tale of woe and virtue 'Neptune and Vulcan: Jenga'. Because Cupid is a god, where his Greek name is Eros. Connect the dots.

Our only female character of the piece, The Tooth Fairy looks cracka' lacken'. I thought her belt could be like Luke Skywalker's where instead of his lightsabre hanging off, Toothy has her magic wand.

The knights I thought should be kept simple because there will be a few of them. Figured they should look nothing like real knights, hence the weight, the wrong sized swords etc.

This is Wang, the child at the end. He likes dragons. He holds the plush version of Josh Huf's 'Knight Mouse'.

- PG

Whats up Pussycat?

Early concepts of Ivan.

Ivan's body, seems really awkward.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Well I'm back in the city of angels after my brief stint away and I am ready to get back into the thick of it. I have been playing around a bit with character designs to see what will function, sourcing inspiration from a plethora of different locations. I will upload some rough facial design experiments soon. I also borrowed out Preston Blair's Animation to get the low down on flight, and also borrowed out the 1944 masterpiece Ivan the Terrible, from which our film derives its title, to see if there's anything we can borrow or reference, visually or otherwise.

Here's to a productive week ahead.

- Michael

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


No, not the delightful pop band featuring Phil Collins, but rather, our beginning.

While our story has come a long way since its initial inception as Rudolph the Reindeer meets Rocky Balboa, and still has a long way to go, this marks the beginning of the documentary of our progress. So come with us now and witness the journey from finished script to final cut.
Strap yourself in and enjoy the ride.

- Michael